Bicycle Parking Guidebook

We have combined our guidebook with our bicycle parking catalog. Now, you can access all the information you need to plan your next bike parking project in one place.

Check out the guidebook to learn about spacing, setbacks, and what makes great bike parking.

Bicycle Parking Spacing
& Setbacks

We want to help make it easier to plan out your next bicycle parking project. Here is information about minimum and our recommended spacing and setbacks for both outdoor and indoor bicycle parking scenarios.

There is a lot involved in creating useful, secure bike parking. We're here to help you. If you have any questions, please reach out and we'll guide you along the way.

  1. Feel free to download our bike parking guidebook.

  2. Have one of our engineers put together the perfect layout just for you.

  3. Learn more about bike parking and get AIA credit by booking a Lunch and Learn course, available now as a webinar.